Washington County Democratic Party
Democratic Club Of Washington County
Action Items
Yard signs for Kamala Harris, Collin Allred and Dee Howard Mullens are now available at 205 E. Vulcan St., Brenham, Texas
Please call first at (979) 830-1973
It is very important to check your voter registration status NOW
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Washington County Democratic Party - Your Source For Election Information
Election Information
(Don't see what you are looking for? Contact your county party or the county clerk's office.)
To be eligible to vote early by mail in Texas, you must:
be 65 years or older;
be disabled;
be out of the county on election day and during the period for early voting by personal appearance; or
be confined in jail, but otherwise eligible.
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What About Voting By Mail?
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What Elections Are On The Horizon?
Where you vote is based on where you live. To find out what voting precinct you are in and where that precinct votes:
1. Look on the Voter Registration Card you should have received from the County Clerk, or
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Where Do I Vote? (See MAP)
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In 2011, the Texas Legislature passed Senate Bill 14 (SB 14) creating a new requirement for voters to show photo identification when voting in person. As a result, voters are now required to present an approved form of photo identification in order to vote in all Texas Elections. A list of the acceptable forms of photo ID include:
Texas driver license issued by the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS), or
Texas Election Identification Certificate issued by DPS Texas, or
Personal identification card issued by DPS Texas, or
Concealed handgun license issued by DPS, or
United States military identification card containing the person’s photograph, or
United States citizenship certificate containing the person’s photograph, or
United States passport .
What Are The Photo ID Requirements To Vote?
Visit or call the Washington County Clerk's Office at 100 E. Main, Ste. 105, Brenham, TX 77833; telephone (979) 277-6200 Ext 123.
Use www.VoteTexas.gov website.
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Am I Registered to Vote?
2. Visit or call the county clerk's office (979) 277-6200 Ext 123 , or
3. Look up your information on www.VoteTexas.gov (see item #2), or
4. You can view maps and other information on the county clerk's website. Click the clipart above to be redirected there.
2022 Election Results
* Governor
Greg Abbott (R)
* Lt Governor
Dan Patrick (R)
* Attorney General
Ken Paxton (R)
* Comptroller
Glenn Hegar (R)
* Land Commissioner
Dawn Buckingham (R)
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If you meet one of these requirements, request, complete, and return to the county clerk an "Application for a Ballot by Mail." The form and more detailed information are available from the county clerk's office, or click the photo above to be redirected to the appropriate Secretary of State website.